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Short stories
by O. Henry

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Are these sentences True or False?
a) These stories are about famous people.
b) These stories are about people in New York.
c) The people in these stories have unusual jobs and strange lives.
Write down the five story titles. Which of them do you like best and why?

Read The Christmas Presents.
Answer the questions:
a) What Jim buy for Della?
b) Why couldn´t Jim use his present?
c) Why couldn´t Della use her present?

Read Soapy Choice.
Are these sentences true or false?
a) Soapy went into an expensive restaurant but he didn´t get an email.
b) When Soapy broke a window, the policeman ran after him.
c) The next day, Soapy got a job for three months.

Read A Walk in Amnesia. Who said this – Elwyn Bellford or Edward Pinkhammer?
a) But I do rest.
b) Sometimes people do forget who they are.
c) I´ve never seen you before in my life.
Read Tildy´s Moment and then answer the questions
a) What was Tildy like?
b) Shy did MrSeeders kiss Tildy?
c) Why did Tildy begin to cry?

Read The Memento. Here are some untrue sentencesabout this story. Change them into true sentences.
a) Miss Ray left the theatre because she was afraid of men.
b) Arthur knew that Ida was the actress Rosalie Ray.
c) Arthur kept a letter from his first love in his desk.

Write down five information about the author this book O. Henry.